Cultivating Missional Practitioners into the Everyday Mission of God

Partnering with Kingdom Movements

The church in our culture is in crisis. The statistics are alarming: in the last fifty years the church has experienced a position of trended decline across the Western world. It is estimated that the prevailing models of evangelistic churches at their best can reach 40 percent of the American population. But probably 90 percent of evangelical churches spend the majority of their time and resources improving these models of church and vying for the same 40 percent.

There is a great need to develop a new way looking at the mission of God with the 60% in mind. This is precisely what Forge exists to do.

Forge aims to focus its energy on developing leadership that can understand the missional challenge and proactively develop strategies and approaches that will be able to take the mission of God into new and uncharted ground with fresh and creative expressions.

Forge Austin partners with leaders, churches, and non-profits so that every follower of Jesus will be a missional practitioner, every gathering on mission, and every movement to reveal the Kingdom.

To do this, we want to equip women and men to live as missionaries where they are already doing life.

Alan Hirsch, Forge Co-Founder

"We want to take this adjective, missional, and make it a living reality in the lives of Christians everywhere. All Christians, whether suburban or urban, blue collar or white collar, have already been sent by God on a mission and they have tremendous kingdom potential in the here and now of their current situations. God is already there at work in our neighborhoods, workplaces, amusement parks, schools, movie theaters, pubs, or wherever, and we must learn again what it means to courageously join him in his mission of redeeming his world. ​"